Unlock the Power of PKPass: A Step-by-Step Guide to Converting and Sharing via Deep Linking
Image by Kennett - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of PKPass: A Step-by-Step Guide to Converting and Sharing via Deep Linking

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Are you tired of feeling stuck when it comes to sharing PKPasses between iOS apps? Do you wonder how to convert those pesky passes from the PKPassLibrary() and send them flying into another app via deep linking? Well, wonder no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process of converting PKPasses and sharing them seamlessly with other iOS apps.

What is a PKPass, anyway?

Before we dive into the juicy stuff, let’s quickly cover what a PKPass is. A PKPass, short for PassKit Pass, is a digital representation of a physical pass, such as a boarding pass, movie ticket, or loyalty card. It’s a way for users to store and manage their passes digitally, making it easy to access and use them on their iOS devices.

The Problem: Converting PKPasses from PKPassLibrary()

So, you’ve got a bunch of passes stored in the PKPassLibrary(), but you need to share them with another iOS app. The problem is, PKPasses are stored in a proprietary format that’s not easily convertible. Fear not, dear developer! We’ll show you how to convert those passes into a format that can be shared via deep linking.

Step 1: Retrieve the PKPasses from PKPassLibrary()

The first step is to retrieve the PKPasses from the PKPassLibrary(). You can do this using the following code:

import PassKit

// Get the PKPassLibrary instance
let passLibrary = PKPassLibrary()

// Get the passes from the library
let passes = passLibrary.passes()

This code snippet retrieves the PKPassLibrary instance and stores the passes in the passes variable.

Step 2: Convert the PKPasses to a Shareable Format

Now that you’ve got the passes, it’s time to convert them into a format that can be shared via deep linking. One way to do this is to convert the PKPasses to a JSON representation. You can use the following code to do this:

import PassKit
import JSONSerialization

// Function to convert a PKPass to a JSON representation
func passToJSON(_ pass: PKPass) -> [String: Any]? {
    // Create a dictionary to store the pass data
    var passData: [String: Any] = [:]

    // Add the pass type identifier
    passData["passTypeIdentifier"] = pass.passTypeIdentifier

    // Add the pass serial number
    passData["serialNumber"] = pass.serialNumber

    // Add the pass data (e.g., passenger name, flight number, etc.)
    passData["passData"] = pass.passData

    // Convert the dictionary to JSON
    let jsonData = try? JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: passData)
    let jsonString = String(data: jsonData!, encoding: .utf8)

    // Return the JSON string
    return jsonString

// Convert the passes to JSON
var jsonPasses: [[String: Any]] = []
for pass in passes {
    if let jsonPass = passToJSON(pass) {

This code defines a function passToJSON that takes a PKPass as input and returns a JSON representation of the pass. It then loops through the passes and converts each one to JSON, storing the results in the jsonPasses array.

Step 3: Share the PKPasses via Deep Linking

Now that you’ve got the PKPasses converted to a shareable format, it’s time to share them with another iOS app via deep linking. One way to do this is to use a URL scheme to pass the JSON data to the target app. Here’s an example:

import UIKit

// Define the URL scheme for the target app
let targetAppURLScheme = "targetapp://"

// Define the action to perform when the URL is opened
let action = "addPass"

// Create the URL with the JSON data
var urlComponents = URLComponents()
urlComponents.scheme = targetAppURLScheme
urlComponents.host = action
urlComponents.queryItems = []
for pass in jsonPasses {
    let queryItem = URLQueryItem(name: "pass", value: pass.description)

// Open the URL
if let url = urlComponents.url {

This code defines a URL scheme for the target app and creates a URL with the JSON data appended as query items. When the URL is opened, the target app will receive the JSON data and can use it to add the passes to its own PKPassLibrary().

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Converting PKPasses and sharing them via deep linking can be a bit finicky, so we’ve got some troubleshooting tips to help you out:

  • Error: JSONSerialization Fails

    If you’re having trouble converting the PKPass to JSON, make sure you’re using the correct encoding and that your pass data is serializable. You can try using a third-party JSON serialization library like SwiftyJSON to simplify the process.

  • Error: URL Scheme Not Registered

    If the target app isn’t responding to the URL scheme, double-check that the URL scheme is registered in the target app’s Info.plist file. You can do this by adding a key CFBundleURLTypes with an array of dictionaries containing the URL scheme.

  • Error: JSON Data Not Received

    If the target app isn’t receiving the JSON data, check that the URL scheme is correctly formatted and that the JSON data is being appended as query items. You can try using a URL encoding library like URI.js to simplify the process.


And there you have it! With these steps, you should be able to convert PKPasses from the PKPassLibrary() and share them seamlessly with other iOS apps via deep linking. Remember to troubleshoot common issues and adjust your approach as needed. Happy coding!

Pros Cons
  • Easy to implement
  • Flexible and customizable
  • Works with most iOS apps
  • Requires JSON serialization
  • May require additional error handling
  • Limited to sharing within iOS ecosystem

By following these steps and troubleshooting common issues, you’ll be well on your way to unlocking the power of PKPass and sharing those passes with other iOS apps via deep linking. Happy coding, and don’t forget to share your experiences in the comments below!


  1. Q: What is the maximum size of a PKPass?

    A: The maximum size of a PKPass varies depending on the type of pass, but generally, it’s recommended to keep passes under 10KB to ensure smooth loading and sharing.

  2. Q: Can I share PKPasses between Android and iOS apps?

    A: Unfortunately, no. PKPasses are specific to the iOS ecosystem, and sharing them between Android and iOS apps is not currently possible.

  3. Q: How do I secure my PKPasses when sharing them?

    A: To secure your PKPasses when sharing them, consider using HTTPS encryption and ensuring that your URL scheme is properly validated and authenticated.

We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you understand how to convert PKPasses from the PKPassLibrary() and share them via deep linking with other iOS apps. If you’ve got any further questions or need more clarification, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck on how to convert PKPass(es) from the PKPassLibrary().passes() and pass it via deep linking to another iOS app?

How do I convert PKPass(es) to a format that can be shared via deep linking?

You can convert PKPass(es) to a serialization format such as JSON or plist, which can then be shared via deep linking. One way to do this is by using the `serialization` property of the `PKPass` object. For example, you can use the `pkpass.jsonSerialization` method to serialize the pass to a JSON representation.

What is the best way to share the converted PKPass(es) via deep linking?

You can share the converted PKPass(es) via deep linking by encoding the serialized data as a URL query parameter or appending it to a custom URL scheme. For example, you can use a URL encoding library to encode the JSON representation of the pass, and then append it to a URL scheme such as `myapp://pass?id={pass_id}&data={serialized_pass_data}`.

How do I handle errors when converting and sharing PKPass(es) via deep linking?

When converting and sharing PKPass(es) via deep linking, you should handle errors by checking for potential issues such as invalid or corrupted data, network connectivity issues, and invalid URL schemes. You can use error handling mechanisms such as try-catch blocks and error codes to detect and handle errors.

Is there a limit to the size of the converted PKPass(es) that can be shared via deep linking?

Yes, there may be a limit to the size of the converted PKPass(es) that can be shared via deep linking, depending on the URL scheme and the receiving app’s implementation. Typically, URL schemes have a limit on the length of the URL, so you may need to compress or truncate the serialized data to fit within the limit.

Can I use other serialization formats besides JSON or plist for sharing PKPass(es) via deep linking?

Yes, you can use other serialization formats besides JSON or plist for sharing PKPass(es) via deep linking, such as binary serialization or custom formats. However, you should ensure that the receiving app is able to deserialize and parse the data correctly.

Feel free to ask more questions!