Unraveling the Mystery: Calling a Consteval Function within If Consteval Causes Error in Non-Constexpr Context
Image by Kennett - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: Calling a Consteval Function within If Consteval Causes Error in Non-Constexpr Context

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Are you tired of encountering errors when trying to call a consteval function within an if consteval statement? You’re not alone! Many C++ developers have stumbled upon this issue, and today, we’re going to dive into the reasons behind it and, more importantly, the solutions.

What is Consteval and If Consteval?

Before we dive into the error, let’s quickly revisit the concepts of consteval and if consteval.


Consteval is a keyword introduced in C++20 that allows a function to be executed at compile-time. This means that the function is guaranteed to be evaluated during the compilation process, and its result is available as a constant expression. Consteval functions are mostly used for meta-programming, constexpr algorithms, and other compile-time computations.

consteval int foo() {
    return 42;

If Consteval

If consteval is a statement that allows you to execute a block of code only if the condition is a constant expression that evaluates to true at compile-time. This statement is useful when you want to enable or disable certain features or optimizations based on compile-time conditions.

if consteval (foo() > 0) {
    // code that depends on foo() being positive

The Error: Calling a Consteval Function within If Consteval Causes Error in Non-Constexpr Context

Now, let’s consider the following code:

consteval int foo() {
    return 42;

void bar() {
    if consteval (foo() > 0) {
        // code that depends on foo() being positive

This code might seem correct at first glance, but it will result in a compiler error. The error message will vary depending on the compiler, but it will typically indicate that the consteval function is being called in a non-constexpr context.

So, what’s going on?

The Reason Behind the Error

The issue lies in the fact that the if consteval statement is not a constant expression itself. While the condition within the if consteval statement is a constant expression, the statement as a whole is not. This means that the code within the if consteval block is not guaranteed to be evaluated at compile-time.

When you call a consteval function within an if consteval block, the compiler is unsure whether the function will be evaluated at compile-time or runtime. This ambiguity leads to the error, as the compiler cannot ensure that the consteval function will be executed in a constant expression context.

Solutions and Workarounds

Fear not, dear developer! There are ways to overcome this limitation:

Option 1: Use a Constexpr Function Instead

One solution is to replace the consteval function with a constexpr function. Constexpr functions are guaranteed to be evaluated at compile-time if the inputs are constant expressions. This means you can safely call a constexpr function within an if consteval block.

constexpr int foo() {
    return 42;

void bar() {
    if consteval (foo() > 0) {
        // code that depends on foo() being positive

Option 2: Use a Template Metaprogramming Approach

Another solution is to use template metaprogramming to evaluate the condition at compile-time. This approach requires more boilerplate code, but it allows you to achieve the desired behavior.

template <bool Cond>
void bar_impl() {
    // code that depends on Cond being true

void bar() {
    if constexpr (foo() > 0) {
    } else {

Option 3: Use a Macro-Based Solution

For those who prefer a more straightforward approach, you can use a macro-based solution. This method relies on the fact that macros are evaluated at compile-time, allowing you to simulate the behavior of an if consteval statement.

#define IF_CONSTEVAL(cond, code) \
    if constexpr (cond) { \
        code \

void bar() {
    IF_CONSTEVAL(foo() > 0, {
        // code that depends on foo() being positive


In conclusion, calling a consteval function within an if consteval statement can lead to errors due to the non-constexpr context. However, by using constexpr functions, template metaprogramming, or macro-based solutions, you can work around this limitation and achieve the desired behavior.

Remember, when working with consteval and if consteval, it’s essential to understand the underlying concepts and limitations to avoid common pitfalls. By following the solutions outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to mastering C++20’s compile-time features.

Solution Description
Use a constexpr function instead Replace the consteval function with a constexpr function to ensure compile-time evaluation.
Use a template metaprogramming approach Employ template metaprogramming to evaluate the condition at compile-time using a template parameter.
Use a macro-based solution Utilize a macro to simulate the behavior of an if consteval statement, allowing for compile-time evaluation.

By following these solutions and understanding the underlying principles, you’ll be able to successfully call consteval functions within if consteval statements and unlock the full potential of C++20’s compile-time features.

  • Consteval functions are executed at compile-time and provide a way to perform computations during compilation.
  • If consteval statements allow you to execute code based on compile-time conditions, but the statement itself is not a constant expression.
  • Calling a consteval function within an if consteval statement can lead to errors due to the non-constexpr context.
  • Solutions include using constexpr functions, template metaprogramming, or macro-based approaches to achieve the desired behavior.
  1. Understand the difference between consteval and constexpr functions.
  2. Recognize the limitations of if consteval statements and their implications on consteval function calls.
  3. Choose the most suitable solution based on your specific use case and requirements.
  4. Test and verify your implementation to ensure correct behavior and avoid errors.

Now that you’ve mastered the art of calling consteval functions within if consteval statements, go forth and conquer the world of compile-time computations!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on calling a consteval function within if consteval and why it causes errors in non-constexpr context!

What is a consteval function, and how does it differ from a constexpr function?

A consteval function is a function that can be evaluated at compile-time, similar to a constexpr function. However, a consteval function is guaranteed to be evaluated at compile-time, whereas a constexpr function may be evaluated at runtime if the input values are not constant expressions. Think of consteval as “compile-time only” and constexpr as “compile-time preferred”!

Why does calling a consteval function within if consteval cause an error in a non-constexpr context?

When you call a consteval function within if consteval, the compiler expects the function to be evaluate at compile-time. However, if the surrounding context is not a constexpr context (e.g., inside a regular function or a non-constant variable), the compiler can’t guarantee that the function will be evaluated at compile-time. This mismatch between compile-time and runtime evaluation causes the error. It’s like trying to mix oil and water – they just don’t mix!

How can I avoid this error when calling a consteval function within if consteval?

To avoid this error, make sure you’re calling the consteval function within a constexpr context, such as a constexpr function or a constant variable. This ensures that the compiler can evaluate the function at compile-time. Additionally, ensure that all input values to the consteval function are constant expressions. By doing so, you’ll be speaking the compiler’s language, and it will happily evaluate your consteval function at compile-time!

Can I use a consteval function with a non-constexpr variable or function?

Unfortunately, no! Consteval functions require a constexpr context, which means you can’t use them with non-constexpr variables or functions. Think of it like trying to put a square peg into a round hole – it just won’t fit! If you need to use a consteval function with non-constexpr variables or functions, consider refactoring your code to ensure that everything is constexpr-friendly.

What are some best practices for working with consteval functions in C++?

When working with consteval functions, always ensure that the surrounding context is a constexpr context. Use constant expressions as input values, and avoid mixing consteval functions with non-constexpr variables or functions. Additionally, consider using constexpr-friendly types and functions throughout your codebase. By following these best practices, you’ll be able to harness the power of consteval functions and write more efficient, compile-time evaluated code!

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