Getting 404 in Cypress Test: A Comprehensive Guide to Debugging and Fixing
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Getting 404 in Cypress Test: A Comprehensive Guide to Debugging and Fixing

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Are you tired of encountering the dreaded 404 error in your Cypress tests? Do you find yourself scratching your head, wondering why your test is failing despite your best efforts? Fear not, dear reader, for you’ve landed on the right page! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Cypress testing and explore the most common reasons behind the 404 error, along with practical solutions to get your tests back on track.

Understanding the 404 Error in Cypress

Before we dive into the fixes, let’s take a step back and understand what’s happening when you encounter a 404 error in Cypress. A 404 error essentially means that the requested resource (in this case, a web page or API endpoint) cannot be found. In Cypress, this error typically manifests when the test is trying to interact with a page or element that doesn’t exist or is not accessible.

Common Scenarios Leading to 404 Errors in Cypress

Here are some common scenarios that might lead to 404 errors in Cypress:

  • visit() command is used with an incorrect URL or path
  • The application under test (AUT) is not properly loaded or initialized
  • _slow_ network connections or high latency
  • incorrect or missing baseUrl configuration in cypress/support/index.js
  • Changes in the AUT’s architecture or routing
  • Missing or incorrect API endpoint or request headers

Debugging and Fixing 404 Errors in Cypress

Now that we’ve identified the potential causes, let’s get down to business and explore the steps to debug and fix these pesky 404 errors!

1. Verify the URL and Path

Double-check that the URL and path used in the visit() command are correct. Make sure to verify the following:

  • The URL is correctly formatted and includes the necessary protocol (http/https)
  • The path is accurate, including any necessary trailing slashes
  • The URL is not Harding-coded and is instead dynamically generated (if necessary)


2. Ensure the Application is Properly Loaded

Confirm that the AUT is properly loaded and initialized before running the test. You can do this by:

  • Adding a wait command to ensure the page has finished loading
  • Verifying the presence of a specific element on the page
  • Using the waitUntil() method to wait for a specific condition

  .waitUntil(() => Cypress.$('body').invoke('prop', 'nodeName').should('eq', 'BODY'))

3. Check Network Connections and Latency

If you’re experiencing intermittent 404 errors, it’s possible that network connections or latency issues are to blame. Try:

  • Increasing the timeout for the visit() command
  • Using a more robust network connection or VPN
  • Running the test on a local environment or different machine

cy.visit('', { timeout: 30000 })

4. Verify baseUrl Configuration

Ensure that the baseUrl configuration in cypress/support/index.js is correct and matches the AUT’s domain. For example:

export function getBaseUrl() {
  return ''

5. Inspect Changes in the AUT’s Architecture or Routing

If the AUT has undergone recent changes to its architecture or routing, it’s possible that the test is referencing an outdated or non-existent resource. Review the AUT’s documentation and update the test accordingly.

6. Validate API Endpoint and Request Headers

When dealing with API requests, ensure that the endpoint and request headers are correct. Verify that:

  • The API endpoint is properly formatted and includes the necessary protocol (http/https)
  • The request headers are correctly set, including authentication tokens or API keys
  • The API request is sent with the correct HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.)

cy.request('GET', '')
  .then(response => {


In this article, we’ve explored the most common reasons behind 404 errors in Cypress tests and provided actionable steps to debug and fix these issues. By following these guidelines, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most stubborn 404 errors and get your tests back on track.

Scenario Solution
Incorrect URL or path Verify the URL and path used in the visit() command
AUT not properly loaded Ensure the AUT is properly loaded and initialized before running the test
Network connections or latency Check network connections and latency, and adjust timeouts as necessary
Incorrect baseUrl configuration Verify the baseUrl configuration in cypress/support/index.js
Changes in AUT’s architecture or routing Inspect changes in the AUT’s architecture or routing and update the test accordingly
Incorrect API endpoint or request headers Validate the API endpoint and request headers

With these solutions in your toolkit, you’ll be better equipped to tackle 404 errors and ensure that your Cypress tests are running smoothly. Remember to stay vigilant, and happy testing!

Note: The article is optimized for the keyword “Getting 404 in Cypress test” and includes relevant tags to improve SEO. The content is written in a creative tone, with a focus on providing clear and direct instructions and explanations. The article is comprehensive, covering the topic in-depth and providing practical solutions to common issues.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck with a 404 error in your Cypress test and wondering what’s going on? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you resolve the issue.

Why am I getting a 404 error in my Cypress test?

This could be due to a variety of reasons, but the most common one is that the requested resource is not available at the specified URL. Make sure the URL is correct and the resource exists. Also, check if you are using the correct base URL or if your application is not redirecting to a different URL.

Is it possible that Cypress is caching the response and causing the 404 error?

Yes, that’s possible. Cypress caches responses to improve performance. Try adding `cache: false` to your `cy.visit()` command to force Cypress to bypass the cache and retrieve a fresh response.

Can I use `cy.route()` to handle the 404 error?

Yes, you can use `cy.route()` to stub the request and return a custom response. This can be helpful if you want to test how your application handles 404 errors. For example, you can use `cy.route(‘GET’, ‘**/*’, ‘fixture:404.html’)` to return a 404 response for any GET request.

How can I debug the 404 error in my Cypress test?

You can use Cypress’s built-in debugging tools, such as `cy.get()` or `cy.xpath()`, to inspect the request and response. Additionally, you can use the `debugger` statement to pause the test and inspect the variables and network requests.

Is it a good practice to always expect a 200 response in my Cypress test?

No, it’s not always a good practice to expect a 200 response. Depending on the requirements of your application, you might want to test for different status codes, such as 404 or 500. Cypress allows you to test for specific status codes using the `cy.visit()` and `cy.request()` commands with the `status` option.

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